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Sibiloi National Park

Cradle of Mankind – Garden of Eden

Sibiloi National Park covers 1,579 square km of wilderness scenic landscape on the shores of Lake Turkana. The park was partially established through the initative of National Museums of Kenya to protect uniquw prehistoric and archeological sites some of which are linked to the orgin of man. The fossils include a crocodile euthecodon brumpti, giant tortile, petusios brodleyi, elephant elephas brodleyi, elephant elephas recki and the petrified forest. The terrain is lake shore, dry semi desert bush and near desert country. The park is waterless apart from the alkaline waters of the lake Turkana.

Location: Lake Turkana, Marsabit District, Eastern Province

Distance from Nairobi: 800 Km

Size: 1,579 square KM

Climatic conditions: Hot and arid

Major attractions: Orgins of Man: Koobi Fora, Mueseum and Research Base, thousands of fossils including giant tortoises, Behemoth, 45ft long crocodile, Lake Turkana Scenery, shoreline, game viewing

Wildlife: Birdwatching: More then 350 recorded species including flamingo, pelican and duck

Hippo, crocodile, Zebra, Grant´s Gazelle, reticulated giraffe, Beisa Oryx, Topi, Greater Kudu, Lion, Cheetah,
Leopard among other species.

The worlkd´s largest Nile crocodile population breeds on Lake Turkana´s Central Island.

Road: The lake is a three day drive from Nairobi via Marsabit and North Horr, or Maralal and South Horr.
Alernatively travel by road from Nairobi to Kalokol on the lake´s western shores, via Kitale and Lodwar.
From Kalokol boat hire services are avilable across the lake to Allia Bay.

Air: There are two all-weather airstrips

Lodges and tented Camps: Oasis Lodge; Lobolo Tented Camp
Bandas: KWS self catering accomodtaion: Allia Bay Guesthouse
Campsites: Turkana Campsite; Sunset Strip Camp

Best time to visit: All year round

Activities: Game viewing, bird watching, Camping

In the language of the Gabbra people who live near the site, the term Koobi Fora means a place of the commiphora and the source of myrrh, which is a common plant in this hot and arid area.

Research work on the site began in 1968. Hominid fossils from the Plio/Pleistocene of Eastern Africa have been recovered from seven localities of which the most extensive is that of East of Lake Turkana. This Koobi Fora site comprises approximately 700 square miles of fluvial and lacustine sediments representing a broadly continuous sequence of deposition from the Pliocene (5.0 million) to the Early Pleistocene (1.0 million) years old.

Since June 1968, more than 70 hominid fossils had been recovered. One hominid model; Australopithecus Sensu Lato, has been documented as a chrono species of over a period of 2 million years old. During this period according to researchers, there was little significant morphological change as evident in the element preserved both at Koobi Fora and elsewhere in East Africa.

Prior to 1960, most of the evidence for the evolution of man during the early Pleistocene was confined to Southern Africa. The greatest body of evidence for early hominid development has been obtained from the large site in Northern Kenya. Between 1968 and 1972, a total of 87 fossil hominid specimens were recovered. Stone artifacts have also been obtained in the site not forgetting that other animal plant fossils have also been discovered. For example several taxa of giraffines have
been yielded.

The first Australopithecus skull was found here by Dr. Richard Leakey a reknown paleontologist.
Inside Koobi Fora
The Homo Habilis was also found there by Bernard Ngeves. Homo erectus, a 1.6 million years old fossil skull was also discovered here by a research assistant of Dr. Leakey, Mr. Kimeu Kimoya.

Upto 1994, about 200 separate hominid and numerous animal skulls had been found, more than the rest of the world?s fossil sites have produced in 60 years. There are Bandas for night accommodation, which go for Kshs.1000 per person per night.

This site is situated near Lake Turkana (East of the Lake) which is located in the Rift Valley province in Kenya. It lies (36° 13″N), (3° 55″E) in sheet NA – 37-1. From Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya to Koobi Fora is about 746 km by road.