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Handbook Kenia

A guide to resposible Travel in Kenya

Please help us protect Kenya´s natural heritage


Welcome to Kenya, the orginal home of the great African Safari. Our Country is blessed with some of the world´s richest wilderness areas – and some ot it rarest creatures. In order to preserve this vital biodiversity, we urge all visitors to read the following guidelines an help us protect our natural heritage – for our sake, and the sake of all future gernerations.

When visiting our Country

Travel with reputable Operators and qualified Safari guides, Insist that your tour operator uses only trained and certified professional safari guides. Respect all local cultures and promote Community benefits. Support projects and properties that benefit local people through employment, social development, and the preservation of traditional livelihoods. Support Eco-friendly accomodation facilities. Try to stay at lodges and safari camps that look after their environment and support local conservation projects.

Protect the Marine Environment. Please do not touch or stand on coral reefs, and never dispose of litter on teh beach or in teh sea. Never buy or remobe animals or shells from the Sea. Avoid buying starfish, shells, or any products that derive from turtles, whales or other endangerd species. Avoid buying undersized Crabs and Lobsters. Avoid restaurants and hotels that serve undersized crabs and lobsters, which are contributing to the rapid demise of these species. Support traditional coastal livelihoods. Try to support designated marked areas, when traders are making an effort to keep their business of the beaches.

Please do not give money or gifts to children, which encourages them to stay away from school.

Respect local Cultures and custums. Always dress in a respectful way when visiting towns and villages – never bath topless on the beach.

The protection of Kenya´s natural enviroment is a resposibility that is shared by the tourist industry, local people and visitors. As a visitor, you have the power to influence the behaviour of others. If you see an incident which clearly contravens any of the above guidelines, please record the details and request for an Incident Report Form from the reception of your hotel. If you insist that these guidelines are adhered to, you will be plying an important part in helping Kenya to preserve some of the world´s greatest wilderness areas.

These guidelines were developed by friends of Conversation and the Eco-toursm Socity of Kenya, in conjunction with the Kenya Association of Tour Operators, the Kenya Wildlife Service, and the Kenya Professional Safari Guides Association.

We are happy to answer all your questions concerning your trip to Africa!