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Meru National Park

Meru refers to both the people and the location.

It is considered the heart of the estern slope for its evergreen lands, hilly slopes and adorable weather, and has plenty of fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Meru town was formerly the home of Elsa, the lioness of George and Joy Adamson movie Born Free.

While in Meru, visit the Meru Museum, which was opened in May 1976, having previously been a district commissioner`s office that was built in 1916. The museum exhibits mainly the culture and rich historical practies of the local people.

The Meru National Park hold The Adamson Falls, the Leopard Rock and great wildlife. It was where George and Joy Adamson released several hand-rared animals, including the son of the famous lioness Elsa (in the book Born Free) and their Cheetah Pippa. The key attractions at the park are the former home of Joy and George Adamson and the Elsa te lioness, views of Mount Kenya and the Tana River and Adamson Falls.

Elsa’s Kopje
Leopard Rock Lodge

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