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Tent Safari (5 days) Tour LO-01

Day 1:
Departure from Mombasa in the morning in the direction of the Taita Hills Lualenyi camp. Game drive through the Taita Hills. Overnight in camp.

Day 2:
After breakfast we drive to Tsavo Safari Camp at the Athi River. We put on a boat and relate comfortable tents at the camp. In the swimming pool you can thoroughly refreshing. In the afternoon, take an extended game drive through the wild and rich, unspoilt countryside. In the evening around the campfire listening to the birdsong from the African bush.

Day 3:
In the morning we drive through the Tsavo East, to observe the animals and arrive around noon, the Crocodile Camp at Sabaki River. It is the only place in Kenya, where you can call the crocodiles by name. Overnight in camp.

Day 4:
After breakfast the journey continues through the Giriama to Malindi area to your hotel. If desired, you can visit the Marine Park of Malindi and admire the magnificent underwater world.

Day 5:
On the trip to Mombasa, we will be stopping at the Gedi ruins, and visit also a Giriamadorf and a snake. Drive back to Mombasa.

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