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Ruma National Park

Last Retreat pf the Roan Antelope

Ruma National Park was first gazetted in 1966 as Lambwe Valley game reserve and acqired national Park status in 1983. The Park was established mainly to protect the roan antelope which does not occur anywhere else in the country. The soils are largly black cotton clay. The surrounding area is settled, with amiy of small scale cultivation and grassy pasture land.

Location: Ruma National Park is situated in Suba District, Nyanza Province

Distance from Nairobi: 425 Km

Size: 120 square km

Climatic Conditions: Hot and humid

Major Attractions: Game Viewing

Wildlife: Roan Antelope which is not found anywhere else in Kenya, oribi, mountain Reedbuck, Leopard, Buffalo,
Jackson´s Hartebeest, Rothschild´s Giraffe, Serval Cat, Hyena, Impala and Vervet monkey, savannah grassland and
woodland with extensive acacia thickets and more than 400 recorded species of birds.

Road: From Nairobi the most direct route to Ruma National Park is via Nakuru, Kericho and Kisii. From Kisii
proceed in a southerly direction on the main A1 road to Rongo, a distance or 34 Km. At Rongo turn to the right and
proceed 27 Km to Rodi Kopany. Then turn left and head for Migori, a distance of 20 km. At Migori follow signs
to the park, entering at Kamato main gate.

Accomodation: KWS Self catering Banda : Oribi Guest House

Campsites: Mabato and Nyati Campsites

Best time to visit: All year round

Activities: Game viewing, Bird watching, camping