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Bombululu Workshops for the Disabled, Mombasa, Kenya

On the north Coast in the Area called Bombululu you find the Bombululu Disalbe Workshops. Here are around 260 Disable Pople who are trained on Jobs, to have a independend future and can work for their own living. They are traind on jewllery, Wood works, Leather and fabric and metall Works. You can visit the Workshops and see the Leather bag manufacture, the screen printing on Textiles (african designs) or very nice wood carvings and african design jewellery.  Once you have seen the manufacture you may opt to buy some of the Items you have seen at the Workshops at the very god sorted sales room. After extended shopping you can have a refreshment at the Ziga Restaurant and watch here the fashion show of the Bombululu fashion.

Also they have a culture center opend in 1994 where you can visit six homesteads where they show the houses and living of six different tribes. (here entrance fee is charged).

Bombolulu Workshops has also a Wood workshop in Likoni where they manufature Funiture and metall workshop where they produce three wheeler Wheelchairs for Polio disable people. If you want to support one you can donate the cost of the manuacture at the Bombululu Workshops and they will hand over the Wheelchair to a disabled person.

Also the Port Reiz Polio clinic is part of APDK.

Support these project it is realy great work what they are doing.