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Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Route 6 Days Moshi, Tanzania

This is the most popular and easiest way to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The trail has huts along ist route with all the basic necessities. No technical skills are required for this six days trek. This six days trek, includes acclimatization with an extra day at Horombo.

1st Day

Marangu Gate (1850 ) – Mandera Huts 2700 m

Hikiung Time: 3-4 Hours

Distance: 7 km

Habitat: Forest

From the Marangu Gate, you ascend a cleard ridge trail to Mandera Huts. The path to Mandera Huts, the first overnight stop, passes through rain forest where you can see vervet monkeys birds like the turraco, trees like Macarnaga Kilimandscharica, flowers like yellow impatiens kilimanjari, violet impatiens pseudoviola and the sweet-scented white Begonia meyeri-johannis.

2nd Day

Mandera Huts – Horomobo Huts 3720 m

Hiking Time: 5-6 Hours

Distance: 11 km

Habitat: Moorland

From the Mandera Huts, the trail passes through a short stretch of forests and skirts teh base of Maundi Crater, crosses a meadow and a wooded stream, then emerges into grassland. Is is well worth the short detour to scramble up to the rim of Maundi Crater for a superb view of the mountain and its surroundings. The trail descend numerous moorland, ravies before ending at Horombo Huts, which is set in a rocky valley with a fine stand of giant groundsels (Senecio  kilimanjari) and phallic lobelias deckenii. Leaving behind the forest and following the ascending path through alpine meadows on the slopes of Mawenzi, Horombo Huts are reached.

3rd Day

Horombo Huts 3720 m

Acclimatization day with all meals.

After Breakfast, the guide will take you to Zebra Rock (4100 m) or Saddle Point (4200 m) and back to Horombo Huts.

4th Day

Horombo Huts – Kibo Hut (4700 m)

Hiking Time:  5-6 Hours

Distance:  11 km

Habitat: Alpine Desert

From Horombo Hut there are two trails to the Saddle. The right fork is very stoney and eroded and is the most direct route to the Saddle and Mawenzi. From the Saddle (about 2 Hours from Horombo), there are trails to Mawenzi Huts (1 Hour) or Mawenzi Tarn Huts (2 Hours) and across the length of the Saddle to Kibo Hut (3 Hours). The left fork from Horombo Hut is an easier trail and emerges on the Saddle much closer to Kibo and about 1 km from Kibo Hut. The landscape now becomes rockier and rugged until the Saddle is reached. Kibo Hut is the overnight stay.

5th Day

Kibo Hut – Summit Uhuru Peak 5895 m – Horombo Huts

Hiking Time: 10 – 12 Hours

Habitat: Ice capped Summit

The trail to the summit lies directly behind Kibo Hut, to the west. It is nomal to start this day’s climb at midnight. (The reason for this is to see the sun rise over Mawenzi from the top of Kibo, the oose stone scree is frozen – making it easier to climb, and you can get back in good time). The first part is an uneven trail, which leads to the Hans Meyer Cave, a good rest point. After that, the trail makes more regular switch backs most of the way to the top, with a last scramble over the rocks to Johannes Notch and Gillman’s Point. From there, the trail continues past Stella Point to Uhuru Peak. At the top there are stunning views of the ice walls offset by rugged rocks. After a fast descent to Kibo Hut for a meal and rest, continue to descend to Horombo.

6th Day

Horombo Huts – Marangu Gate (185 m)

Hiking time: 5 hours

Habitat: Forest

An easy descehnd to Marangu Gate, then transfer to Moshi.

Equipment needed which you can hire (at extra cost) if you don’t have:

– Sleeping Bag

– Mountain Poles

– warm Gloves

– Gaiters

– Balaclava

– Water Bottles

–  Head Torch

– Rain Mac / Poncho

– Warm Jacket

– Warm Trousers

– Sunglasses

– Day Pack

– Mountain Boots

– Scarves

– Pairs of Socks

Do not forget Tips/Gratities for the Guides, Cooks and Porters