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Mount Kilimanjaro Rongai (Loitokitok) Route 6 Days Moshi, Tanzania

Also known as the Nalemoru Route, this route, like Marangu Route is nicknamed ‘Coca Cola Route’ local wildlife here are greater than any other routes. Troops of colobus monkeys, elephant droppings, buffalo dung etc.

1st Day

Nalemuru Gate (1950 m) – First Camp  – Sekimba  camp (2700 m)

Hiking Time: 3 – 4 hours

Distance: 8 km

Habitat: Cypress plantations and heather

Having registered with the park authorities, climb start through pine forest where Colobus monkeys can be viewed. Overnight will be at Sekimba camp 2700 m.

2nd Day

Sekimba Camp – Kikelelwa Camp (3600 m)

Hiking Time: 5 – 6 hours

Distance: 6 km

Habitat: Heather and Erica

Lunch will be taken at second cave 3300m. The path will take abrupt South – easterly turn directly towards the jagged peak Mawenzi. Since the second cave you have walked about 3 km, but have gained just 150 m altitude. Overnight at Kikelelwa Camp (3600 m).

3rd Day

Kikelwa Camp – Mawenzu Tarn Hut Camp (4330 m)

Hiking Time: 3 – 4 Hours

Distance: 5 km

The path heads south from Kikelelwa camp and climbs steadly on a ridge through an area of scenecio. The path climbs fairly steeply and you ascend towards Mawenzi rapidly. Hot lunch will be served here.                                                                                                                Dinner and Overnight at the Mawenzi Tarn Hut Camp (4330 m)

4th Day

Mawenzi Tarn Hut Camp  – Kibo Hut Camp (4703 m)

Hiking Time: 5 – 6 Hours

Distance: 8 km

Habitat: Desert

You kike to Kibo Hut Campsite 4703 m. This is a simple day that culminates with you being in a position to tackle the final summit bid. Little additional height is gained as your forge across the lunarlike saddle landscape between Mawenzi Peak and Kibo Peak, allowing you to prepare physically and psychologically for the challenge ahead. The rest of the day is spent resting and preparation for the ascent starting at midnight.

5th Day

Kibo Hut Campsite – Horombo Hut Campsite (3720 m) (Summit Day)

Hiking Time:  11 – 15 hours

Distance: 3.5 Km

After a short night and hot drink, the final ascend starts at about mid-night. The path heads through gradually steeper getting sreed to the Gilman’s point (5685 m) where you can watch the sunrise and the magnificent ice fields. After a short break, you now proceed around the crater rim to the Uhuru Peak (5895 m) reaching there at about 08.00 am. After your summit photo, you then descent to Kibo Hut Campsite for lunch before dropping to Horombo Hut Campsite (3720 m) where the night will be spent.

6th Day

Horombo Huts Campsite – Marangu Gate (1800 m)

Hiking Time: 6 hours

habitat: Forest

An easy descend to Marangu Gate (1800 m) via Mandara Huts 2700 m where you will take your lunch, transfer to Moshi

Equipement needed which you can hire if you don’t have:

– Sleeping Bag

– Mountain Poles

– Warm Gloves

– Gaiters

– Balaclava

– Water Bottles

– Head Torch

– Rain Mac / Poncho

– Warm Jacket

– Warm Trousers

– Sunglasses

– Day Pack

– Mountain Boots

– Scarves

– Pair of Socks

Do not forget to Tip Guides, Cooks and Porters.