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1 Day Tsavo East Mombasa, Kenya

Depart from your Hotel at 05.00 am. Drive about 100 km to the Bachuma Gate, the entrance to Tsavo East. Enter Tsavo East. Game drive enroute via the Aruba Dam to the Voi Safari Lodge.

Lunch at the Lodge. If there is game at the waterhole you could walk down through the tunnel to get great Animal Pictures form a close range. Or just have a swim in the pool. Very refreshing. Afternoon again game drive through Tsavo East. You may meet the red Elephants of Tsavo (they are red from the red soil of Tsavo East).
With some luck you can see Elephants, Buffalo, Zebra, different Antilopes, Dikdik, lots of different Birds more than 200 species, Lion, Cheetah and the rare Leopard.

Depart at the Bachuma Gate and drive back to Mombasa. Drop of at your Hotel.