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5 Days Lakes Naivasha Nakuru Baringo Bogoria

1st Day
06.30 am depart from Nairobi. Drive to the Lake Naivasha. Lunch at the Camp. Afternoon visit the Hells Gate Park. (Please wear good Foot wear as you climb through the George and it is very slippery here). Inside these geogre part of Tomb Rider II was filmed. The amazing colour you see here, worth the hard way to climb down and than again up…
(pole pole slowly slowly).
Dinner & Overnight at the Crayfish Camp

2nd Day
After Breakfast depart for Lake Nakuru. Lunch at the Hostel. Afternoon game drives around the Lake Nakuru.

It is famous for its uncountable numbers of Flamingos, good chances to see the rare white or Black Rhino.
Dinner & Overnight at the Youth Hostel Guesthouse inside the Park

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3rd Day
06.30 am early morning Game drive, Breakfast, depart from Lake Nakuru, drive to the Lake Baringo. Lunch at the Soi Safari Lodge. Afternoon boots ride on the Lake Baringo.
Dinner & Overnight at the Soi Safari Lodge

4th Day
After Breakfast drive to the Lake Bogoria. See the amazing Hot water Gysire. (carry some potatos or Eggs, put them in a Vegetable net, keep them for 10 mintues in the hot gysire) the lunch is ready… the most tasty meal you will remeber.
Return to the Soi Safari Lodge
Dinner & Overnight at the Soi Safari Lodge

5th Day
After Breakfast drive back to Nairobi. Drop of to your Town Hotel.

If your Safari starts from Mombasa, add flights Mombasa – Nairobi – Mombasa and Transfers from/to the Beach Hotel