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9 Days Maralal Lake Turkana Loyangolani Koobi Fora Marasabit Samburu

<p><strong>1st Day</strong><br>Greet and meet Nairobi Airport.<br>

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<br>Drive via Nyahuru, Thomson Falls<br>

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<br>to Maralal. Simple lunch on the way.<br>Arrive late afternoon in Maralal.<br>

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<br>Dinner &amp; Overnight at the Maralalal Safari Lodge<br>

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<p><strong>2nd Day</strong><br>After Breakfast drive via Baragoi and South Horr to Loyangolani.<br>

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<br>Simple lunch on the way.<br>Dinner &amp; Overnight at the Oasis Lodge<br>

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<br><strong>3rd Day</strong><br>Whole day in Loyangolani, visit different places.<br>

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<br>Lunch, Dinner &amp; Overnight at the Oasis Lodge</p>
<p><object width=”445″ height=”364″><param name=”movie” value=”;hl=de_DE&amp;fs=1&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1″><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”><embed src=”;hl=de_DE&amp;fs=1&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” width=”445″ height=”364″></object></p>
<p><strong>4th Day</strong><br>After Breakfast drive to the Koobi Fora (Sibiloi National Park)<br>

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<br>Dinner &amp; Overnight at the KWS Banda<br>

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<br>self service cottage</p>
<p><strong>5th Day</strong><br>Whole day around Koobi Fora/ Lake Turkana/ Cradle of Mankind<br>Lunch, Dinner &amp; Overnight at KWS Banda<br><object width=”660″ height=”405″><param name=”movie” value=”;hl=de_DE&amp;color1=0x402061&amp;color2=0x9461ca&amp;border=1″><param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”><embed src=”;hl=de_DE&amp;color1=0x402061&amp;color2=0x9461ca&amp;border=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” width=”660″ height=”405″></object><br><strong>6th Day</strong><br>Drive over Maikona to Marsabit.<br>

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<br>Dinner &amp; Overnight at the Nomads or Paradise Lake Lodge</p>
<p><strong>7th Day</strong><br>Drive to the Samburu National Reserve.<br>Dinner &amp; Overnight at the Samburu Lodge</p>
<p><strong>8th Day</strong><br>Whole Day on Game drives around the Samburu Game Reserve.<br> <br>Dinner &amp; Overnight at the Samburu Lodge</p>
<p><strong>9th Day</strong><br>Drive via Isiolo to Nairobi. Drop of to your Town Hotel.</p>
<p>If your Safari starts from Nairobi, add the Flights Mombasa – Nairobi – Mombasa and the Transfers to/from your Beach Hotel.</p>