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Mombasa City Tour

Mombasa goes back some 2000 years and is the second largest city in Kenya. It is built on an island covering an area of abot 295 sq km.
The City was orginaly called by Mombasa by Arab traders of the 11th century and was the center of trade primarily exporting ivory and slaves. It has retained its status as the leading trading center in the coast region and is also now an international port receiving vessels from all over the world. Mombasa is strongly influenced by Arabic culture and this is quite evident in the food, the dress and the architecture. Today this costal island is a melting point of different cultures and religions.

Within Mombasa Island there are a number of interesting tourist attractions.

The tusks on the Moi Avenue commenmorate the visit of Queen Elizabeth II to the town 1952 and make a lovely backdrop for photographs.

Close by is the Mombasa Old Town with its interesting architecture, art and curios. A walk through its narrow winding streets takes you back centuries.

Fort Jesus is the island’s premier lure, built by the Portuguese in 1593 and overlooking the Indian Ocean. It was desned by an Italian architect named Jao Batisto Cairato, and has been variously cocupied by the Portuguese and Omani Arabs before the Kenya Goverment first used it as a prison soon after independence. In 1962, the Goverment opend Fort Jesus as a muesum after declaring it a historical monument. The museum exhibits the culture of the coastal people and archaeological and historical excavations from the coast.

Visit the Market,
the old Port where till today Dhows are loaded with Goods for Lamu and Zanzibar.
From here you drive to the Mama Ngina Drive, for a refeshment you can have a fresh Coconut and some casava crips or grilled sweet Potatos.

Visit the Swaminayan Hindu Temple at the Haile Sailasee Road.
If you like, walk through the Bisahara Street.
Return to your Hotel.