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Nyangoma Catholic Mission, Bondo

View on the Mission Grounds and the Middle of the Mission the Church
”Holy Heart Jesu”

Entrance to the ”Girls Primary Boarding School”

Chapel for the Mother of God on the Main road before the entrance
of the Mission, to the Missionchurch

Eingangstor zum ”Technical Institute for the Deaf” Auspildungsstätte der gehörlosen Jugendlichen

Entrance to ”Father Oudaraa Secondary School for the Deaf”

Eingangstor zur St. Mary’s Primary for the Deaf

Entrance to the Convent of the Mission Brothers
”Carles from Lwanga” and their guesthouse

Suroundings of the Missionstation near to the Lake Victoria

Market outside the Mission

Landscapes which invite you to relax in Nyang’oma