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Sarova Mara Camp Masai Mara, Kenya

… excitement, adrenalin, anticipation – the first game drive…

… silence, awe, wonder – the lion is on the hunt…

…control, cunning, precision – he makes his kill!…

The Maasai Mara.
Some call it the eighth wonder of the world. One of the world’s last remaining ecosystems harmonizing animal and nature.

The Mara is where you will have one of those breath-taking, heart-stopping moments…a crack of dawn balloon ride over natures playground, a million teeming wildebeest making their annual migration across the Mara, your first face to face encounter with the big five of Kenya.

Sarova Mara Game Camp offers luxurious tented accommodation equipped with en-suite bathrooms and a deck for outdoor seating. The Isokon restaurant features international buffets with specialty live cooking and our bush dining options are a must at least once during your stay. Enjoy live guitar music, sundowners and post dinner entertainment at the Bar whilst sitting around a log fire.

Game drives are delightful and our informative guides ensure that you sight most, if not all of Kenya’s Big Five ; And then get spoilt with our bush massage – a real treat in the wild. The Lodge also features an authentic Maasai habitat at the Isokon Maasai Cultural Village where you can experience first hand, one of the few remaining ancient great cultures of the world.