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Nairobi National Museum, Kenya

The Nairobi National Museum is the custodian of Kenya’s natural and cultural heritage, and thus collects, preserves and presents the past and present for today and posterity. It is the home to a variety of cultural and natural history exhibits. The displays include prehistoric articrafts discovered by the Leakey’s, over 900 stuffed birds and animals, fossils from Lake Turkana, ethnic displays from various Kenyan tribal groups as well as local artistic exhibits.

One of the mayor attractions at the National Muesum is the area growing plants that are used as traditional medicines, complete with the names of the plant and the diseases that they are said to cure.

The Hominid Vault contains a collection of bones and fossils from the pre-historic era in their orginal form.

There are also very illistrative reconstructions of early life, the traditional regalia that the former president Danil arap Moi adorned at the Lancaster conference; a fossil of the famous elephant Ahmed, Kenya’s most renowed elephant celebrated as having the largest tusks ever recorded in Africa. In 1970 the state declared it a protected animal and placed it under 24 hour guard until his death at the age of 55.