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Mount Kenya three day foot Safari, Kenya

Desingend for those who have a minimum amount of time and who want to reach the third highest peak of Mt. Kenya, Pt. Lenana. This challenging, non-technical ascent can be made by any normal , healthy person.

1st Day

Morning spent sorting and organizing personal equipment for the Mountain trek. Lunch at the lodge. In the afternoon drive to the roadheas of the Naro Moru track, to the Met. Station (Meteorological Station),where we spent the night in comfortable log cabins. A giid day for acclimazation, for we will be sleeping at an altitude of 10.000 ft. A short hike is taken in the afternoon to help acclimatization.

2nd Day

Hike up into the Teleki Valley to our MacKinders Camp where there is a spectacular view of the main peaks. Walking time aproximatly 4-6 hours. Overnight Teleki Valley (14.000 ft)

3rd Day

A pre-dawn start is made to ensure a successful summit bid and in time to clear view of the majestic cummit scenery. After climbing Pt. Lenana we return to our base camp and then proceed down the mountaun to the lodge.