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Tsavo West Mzima Springs

Mzima Springs in Tsavo West is like a dream. In the midst of the barren lava and dusty bush, a dense forest of Doum and Raffia palms suddenly emerges. Screeching Diadem Monkeys and Green Monkeys frolic in the branches. Amidst the vegetation lies a crystal-clear, cool freshwater lake. This green island (oasis) is fed by a spring that releases around 300,000 liters of drinking water per minute, filling several pools. This water is pumped via pipeline to Mombasa for drinking water supply. The water is usually crystal clear. This is particularly evident when you go into the underwater chamber with glass windows, where you can see barbs and other fish swimming by.

The hippos and crocodiles, on the other hand, prefer to move to the other side of the springs.

The path is about 1 km long, and you walk it with a KWS guide. The guide explains the plants and wildlife of Mzima Springs and, with his trained eye, spots the crocodiles much earlier. With great patience, he then explains where the animals are hiding.