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Giraffes Safari (7 days) Tour LO-02

Day 1:
Flights Mombasa – Nairobi. You will be met at the airport in Nairobi and brought to your hotel. In the afternoon you can book a tour or explore on your own.

Day 2:
After breakfast drive from Nairobi through a varied landscape and by the famous African ditch to the Masai Mara Reserve. In the afternoon it is on a game drive through the most heavily populated area of Kenya. Overnight in a lodge or camp.

Day 3:
The whole day is filled with game drives. The variety of animals and the beauty of this landscape will impress you.

Day 4:
In the morning we drive to Lake Naivasha. You’ll be surprised how much changing the landscape has to offer and how many contradictions to Kenya. You can make a boat trip on the lake and see the hippos from nearby. Overnight in a lodge.

Day 5:
From Lake Naivasha, the tour goes on the Thompson Falls to Outspan hotel and the afternoon continues in one of the famous Tree hotels, Treetops or Mountain Lodge where you stay.

Day 6:
After breakfast at the Outspan Hotel, you drive back to Nairobi and then on to Amboseli park. Here you take a game drive at sunset and stay overnight at the lodge.

Day 7:
Throughout the morning, you are on a game drive in Amboseli. In the afternoon return to Mombasa.

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Tent Safari (5 days) Tour LO-01

Day 1:
Departure from Mombasa in the morning in the direction of the Taita Hills Lualenyi camp. Game drive through the Taita Hills. Overnight in camp.

Day 2:
After breakfast we drive to Tsavo Safari Camp at the Athi River. We put on a boat and relate comfortable tents at the camp. In the swimming pool you can thoroughly refreshing. In the afternoon, take an extended game drive through the wild and rich, unspoilt countryside. In the evening around the campfire listening to the birdsong from the African bush.

Day 3:
In the morning we drive through the Tsavo East, to observe the animals and arrive around noon, the Crocodile Camp at Sabaki River. It is the only place in Kenya, where you can call the crocodiles by name. Overnight in camp.

Day 4:
After breakfast the journey continues through the Giriama to Malindi area to your hotel. If desired, you can visit the Marine Park of Malindi and admire the magnificent underwater world.

Day 5:
On the trip to Mombasa, we will be stopping at the Gedi ruins, and visit also a Giriamadorf and a snake. Drive back to Mombasa.

Tour No. Please specify in your request with.
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Fort Jesus Mombasa

The Fort Jesus in Mombasa

The Portogise Vasco Da Gama arrived in 1498 for the first time to Mombasa, where he found no friendly reception and its relationships with the people of Mombasa were so unpleasant that he preferred after a week on the much more hospitable Malindi to sail. Malindi was thus the first base of the Portogiesen in East Africa.

Since Mombasa has a natural harbor, it did not take long until interesierten other nations for this place. And so in 1598 a Turkish expedition, and built a fortress. The Portogiesen saw jeopardize their journey home and assaulted in 1593 Mombasa successfully at the harbor entrance and began to build a large fortress.

At that time, the Portuguese saw themselves primarily as representatives of Christianity wärend the homeland, as such, came in second place. Therefore, they sailed under the flag of the Order of the Christian “Jesus” and, understandably named the new fortress of Fort Jesus.

The fort, whose rectangular form imposed by military defense rules and was built by an Italian architect from Goa, now lies peacefully in the tropical sun.

This peace was not always present. Fort Jesus experienced periods of murder, siege, starvation, bombardment and betrayal in such dimensions, which makes our current period with robberies and kidnappings appear to be mild. In those ancient times when there was no radio or radio links must not times when it emerged that a ship on Horuiont have caused great concern, because the little colony had seldom more than 100 men and they were ready for the defense of your home by 6 months long to sail away. Fort Jesus still has the same basic shape as 400 years ago. To clear insight into the past are very rare.

They may therefore very much regret this landmark in the history of East Africa have not seen it.

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Handbook Kenia

A guide to resposible Travel in Kenya

Please help us protect Kenya´s natural heritage


Welcome to Kenya, the orginal home of the great African Safari. Our Country is blessed with some of the world´s richest wilderness areas – and some ot it rarest creatures. In order to preserve this vital biodiversity, we urge all visitors to read the following guidelines an help us protect our natural heritage – for our sake, and the sake of all future gernerations.

When visiting our Country

Travel with reputable Operators and qualified Safari guides, Insist that your tour operator uses only trained and certified professional safari guides. Respect all local cultures and promote Community benefits. Support projects and properties that benefit local people through employment, social development, and the preservation of traditional livelihoods. Support Eco-friendly accomodation facilities. Try to stay at lodges and safari camps that look after their environment and support local conservation projects.

Protect the Marine Environment. Please do not touch or stand on coral reefs, and never dispose of litter on teh beach or in teh sea. Never buy or remobe animals or shells from the Sea. Avoid buying starfish, shells, or any products that derive from turtles, whales or other endangerd species. Avoid buying undersized Crabs and Lobsters. Avoid restaurants and hotels that serve undersized crabs and lobsters, which are contributing to the rapid demise of these species. Support traditional coastal livelihoods. Try to support designated marked areas, when traders are making an effort to keep their business of the beaches.

Please do not give money or gifts to children, which encourages them to stay away from school.

Respect local Cultures and custums. Always dress in a respectful way when visiting towns and villages – never bath topless on the beach.

The protection of Kenya´s natural enviroment is a resposibility that is shared by the tourist industry, local people and visitors. As a visitor, you have the power to influence the behaviour of others. If you see an incident which clearly contravens any of the above guidelines, please record the details and request for an Incident Report Form from the reception of your hotel. If you insist that these guidelines are adhered to, you will be plying an important part in helping Kenya to preserve some of the world´s greatest wilderness areas.

These guidelines were developed by friends of Conversation and the Eco-toursm Socity of Kenya, in conjunction with the Kenya Association of Tour Operators, the Kenya Wildlife Service, and the Kenya Professional Safari Guides Association.

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Golf Safari Kenya

Nyali Golf & Country Club
The club is located on the north coast of Mombasa, about 5 km from the ASC coastal hotels. The game is played on the 6,500-yard-long, 18-hole championship golf course. The automatically irrigated course is considered one of the best in Kenya. Two 18-hole putting and pitching greens, a driving range, swimming pool, tennis courts, squash courts, pro shop, and a restaurant offering Indian and continental cuisine complete the amenities. Two renowned golf pros and friendly, knowledgeable caddies are available for lessons and carefree play.

Windsor Golf & Country Club

The club, located not far from the center of Nairobi, evokes memories of bygone days when British aristocrats lived like kings in the then colony. The buildings, constructed in Victorian style, are in perfect harmony with the peaceful, rural surroundings, exuding a subtle touch of luxury and extravagance. Green forests and ponds of the generously and recently established resort provide the foundation for relaxing rounds of golf.

Muthaiga Golf Club

The suburb of Muthaiga, once dense jungle, is now considered the most exclusive district of Nairobi. This residential area is home to the club, the true birthplace of golf in the region. Officially opened in 1921, this top-tier course annually hosts the international “Kenya Open Golf Championships.”

Sigona Golf Club

Sigona Golf Club offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Ngong Hills and the Athi plains, and on a clear day, even to Kilimanjaro, Nairobi, and the Embakasi plains. Besides the major golf tournaments, the “Sigona Bowl” is also held regularly in Sigona.

Karen Golf Club

Lush green grounds and the proximity to the famous Ngong Hills are the attractions of this golf course. It is named after the famous Danish writer Karen Blixen, who settled nearby with her husband, Baron Bror Blixen, in 1913. They operated a coffee farm, which she had to leave in the 1930s.

Limuru Golf Club

The golf course located west of Nairobi lies in Kenya’s oldest tea-growing area. The highland escarpment near Limuru, with altitudes up to 2,740 meters, is one of the most spectacular viewpoints of the Great Valley. Limuru’s invigorating high-altitude air has a unique character due to constant thermal turbulence.

Royal Nairobi Golf Club

This almost hundred-year-old golf club has a remarkable tradition. The value-adding attribute “Royal” was granted to this club near Nairobi in 1936 by King Edward VII. Established in 1904 amidst a forest, in its early years, members were occasionally attacked by lions or rhinoceroses. Today, this danger no longer exists. The surrounding hilly area and the dry terrain under shady old trees offer the best conditions for an exceptional golfing experience. The major tournaments include the “Easter Tournament,” the “J.D. Leonard Memorial Trophy,” and the “Would-Be-Golfers Cup.”

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Golf Safari Kenia

Nyali Golf & Country Club

The club is located on the north coast of Mombasa and is located about 5 km from the Bamburi / Nyali Hotels. Is played on the 6500 yard long, 18-hole golf course with championship status. The automatically irrigated square is considered one of the best in Kenya.
Two 18-hole putting and pitching greens, driving range, swimming pool, tennis courts, squash courts, pro shop and a restaurant serving Indian and Continental cuisine complete the Offer. Two renowned Golfprofis and friendly knowledgeable  Caddies are available for teaching and playing carefree available.

Windsor Golf & Country Club

The only near the city center of Nairobi Club distant memories of bygone days can be lived to pay as a British aristocrat in the former colony like kings. The built in Victorian style buildings are in perfect harmony to the peaceful, rural setting and exude a subtle touch of luxury and extravagance. Green forests, ponds of the applied generously and recently ministries provide the basis for relaxing rounds of golf

Muthaiga Golf Club

The suburb Muthaiga – once dense forest – is now considered the most exclusive district of Nairobi. In this residential area, this club, the true home of golf. Officially opened in 1921, this top spot every year the international arena, “Kenya Open Golf Championships

Sigona Golf Club

The Sigona Golf Club offers a breathtaking panorama of the Ngong Hills and the Athi-level, on a clear day even to the Kilimanjaro to Nairobi and the Embakasi level. Besides the most important golf tournament held in Sigona also regularly the “Sigona Bowl” instead.

Karen Golf Club

Lush green plants and the proximity to the famous Ngong hills are an attraction of this golf course. It was named after the famous Danish writer Karen Blixen, who in 1913 with her husband, Baron Bror Blixen, in her far distant country estate settled and ran a coffee farm, which they had to leave in the 30s.

Limuru Golf Club

The golf course is located west of Nairobi, situated in the oldest Teezentrum Kenya. The highland break stage in Limuru, with heights up to 2,740 m is one of the most spectacular vantage points of the Great Valley and Limurus sparkling mountain air acquires its specific character by continuing to thermal turbulence.

Royal Nairobi Golf Club

The almost one hundred years old golf club has a remarkable tradition. The value-added attribute “Royal” – royal – was allowed to grow, this lies at Nairobi Club back in 1936 under King Edward VII. 1904 created the middle of a forest, it happened in the early years means that members were being attacked by lions or rhinos. Today, this danger will not exist anymore. The surrounding hilly area and the dry ground under the shade of old trees provide the best conditions for a special playing experience. Among the most important tournaments including the “Easter Tournament”, the “JD Leonard Memorial Trophy” and “Would – Be – Golfers Cup

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Tsavo West National Park

The 9055 sq km Tsavo West National Park is much more varied and diverse in landscape than the Tsavo East National Park. Here, you will encounter evidence of recent volcanism in the form of lava flows and craters, impressive mountains covered partly with dense, forested vegetation suitable for climbing, magnificent viewpoints with vistas of Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), and a special rhino sanctuary where you can observe rare rhinoceroses.

The area has two permanent water sources: Mzima Springs and the Tsavo River. However, every advantage has its drawback: this part of the park has a relatively high number of tourists, and due to the dense bushland and the complex terrain, animals are harder to spot.

The entire southern part of Tsavo West, on the other hand, consists of wide, rolling hills and plains of dry bush and grass savannas. At its southwestern border, there are also two important water sources: Lake Jipe and the Ziwani River.

The northwestern part of the park boasts the most attractions and therefore the most accommodations. You could easily spend three days exploring the various sights here. For wildlife observation, the northern bank of the Tsavo River, which you can follow for several kilometers from the Tsavo Gate, is especially suitable during the dry season. In this area, you will also find the Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary, a 74 sq km protected area for over 50 black rhinos, surrounded by an electric fence. This is the only way to monitor the valuable animals around the clock in the vast terrain of Tsavo West National Park. The sanctuary can be visited from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM without additional entry fees, which you should not miss as the rare animals, who prefer to graze and rest in the dense bush, are otherwise hard to spot (no guarantee of seeing rhinos).

From the terrace of the Ngulia Safari Lodge, situated on the edge of the 1260 m high Ndawe Escarpment, you can look down into the plain 200 m below and far off to the Yatta Plateau. The visit is worth it just for this fantastic view.

West of the hotel, the 1824 m high Mt. Ngulia rises, with the Rhino Valley Camp (formerly Ngulia Bandas) standing on its almost vertical northern side.

A little south of the Ngulia Safari Lodge is another impressive mountain, Kichwa Tembo: The “Elephant Head” is named for its 300 m high rock face facing the Tsavo River.

As you continue, you pass through a true lunar landscape of black lava, originating from relatively recent eruptions of the Chaimu Crater and thus still barely vegetated. The colors of the few plants – mostly sparse grass tufts – appear almost vivid against the pitch-black material.

An extraordinary viewpoint is the Roaring Rocks, with a few dozen steps leading up the roughly 100 m high summit. The magnificent view over the Rhino Valley and towards Ngulia Mountain rewards the effort. These hills are named so because when the wind sweeps along the rocks, it sometimes creates a rushing sound – “Roaring Rocks.”

Another even more impressive volcano is the Shetani, located on the southern slopes of the Chyulu Range but still within Tsavo West. Various eerie myths surround this place, indicated by its name Shetani, Swahili for “devil.” It’s quite possible that there’s a grain of truth behind the tales of people being swallowed by lava, as the last eruption occurred only about 200 years ago. You can wander a bit on the lava field and see lava splashes, graphite, and sulfur deposits. The lava looks so fresh that you instinctively hesitate to step on the black stone, fearing it might burn you. But the danger lurks elsewhere: in the lava flow, there is a – supposedly 13 km long – tunnel system, discovered only in 1975.

After all this dryness, heat, and hostility to life, the Mzima Springs seem like a dream: In the midst of the dry, hot landscape covered with brittle lava and dusty bush, a dense forest of Doum and Raphia palms emerges. Screeching diademed monkeys and green monkeys frolic in the branches. In the middle of the vegetation lies a crystal-clear, cool freshwater lake, corresponding to the cliché of an oasis. By the way, the Raphia palm is the palm species with the longest fronds, which can measure up to 9 m. The green island is fed by a spring that discharges around 300,000 liters of drinking water per minute, filling several large basins. Part of the precious water is pumped via pipeline to Mombasa for drinking water supply. The water is so clear that you can see dozens of meters beneath the surface of the small lake. Everyone can verify this in an underwater chamber with glass panes. You will mainly see the playful dance of barbs and other fish, which are as curious as you are, sticking to the glass. The hippos and crocodiles, on the other hand, usually retreat to the most remote corners for some reason and are not easy to spot. This is a pity because it is quite a spectacle to see one of these up to 800 kg colossi walking along the bottom of the spring basin.

From Poacher’s Lookout, there are unobstructed panoramic views of the bushland, the Chyulu Mountains, and, in clear weather, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania).

In the southwest of the park, right on the border with Tanzania, lies Lake Jipe, which is particularly interesting for its rich birdlife and the herds of hippos and crocodiles.

Finch Hattons Camp
Kilaguni Serena Lodge
Ngulia Lodge
Severin Safari Camp
Voyager Safari Camp
Rhino Valley Camp (former Ngulia Bandas)

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Tsavo East Nationalpark

Tsavo East National Park, at 11,747 square kilometers, is significantly larger than its western counterpart. However, its landscape is less varied and much drier, with an average annual rainfall of only 510 mm. The southern part of the park is dominated by flat grass and bush savannas, which gradually transition into semi-deserts as one moves northeast from Voi, corresponding with decreasing rainfall. Unlike Tsavo West, the picturesque mountains are located outside the western park boundaries. The only contrast to this monotony are the dense, refreshingly green gallery forests along the riverbanks of the Athi or Galana River, Tiva River, and Voi River. Yet, it is precisely this expansive, boundless landscape that gives the park its unique charm.

Tsavo East is divided into three regions by the eastward-flowing Tiva and Galana Rivers. North of the Galana River, the park is an inaccessible wilderness. This area is closed to tourism.

South of the Galana River, Tsavo East is well-developed and home to most of its attractions. North of the Voi Safari Lodge lies Mudanda Rock. This nearly 2 km long, approximately 20 meters high, and 50 meters wide inselberg rises unexpectedly from the plain and can be climbed from the west via a footpath.

Following the course of the Voi River (even when it is dry), the green vegetation along its banks and the numerous waterholes in the riverbed attract wildlife from the vast, parched surroundings. During the dry season, there is no better place for observing birds, monkeys, elephants, antelopes, gazelles, lions, and leopards.

The Aruba Dam creates a small lake of up to 85 hectares by damming the Voi River, attracting thirsty animals from the Taru Desert.

Galdessa Camp Satao Camp Sentrim Tarhi Camp

Ndololo Camp

Ashnil Aruba Lodge

Voi Safari Lodge

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Taita Hills Reservat

Salt Lick Lodge

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Sweetwaters Reserve

Ol Pejeta Ranch
Sweetwaters Tented Camp

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