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Shimba Hills Nationalpark

Shimba Hills, National Reserve is 56 km south west of Mombasa and consists of forests of giant primeval trees. Shimba Hills is a prardise for the nature lover and is a home to the rare but impressice sable Antelope that carries 100 – 160 cm horns rising vertically before curving backward in a pronounced arc. There are numerous picnic sites that overlook the Inidan Ocean. Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) is visable on clear days.

Shimba Lodge
Shimba Tree Lodge

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Shaba National Reserve

Shaba Sarova Lodge

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Mount Kenya Region

Mount Kenya National Park
Namesake of a Nation

You are about to expienece on of the unique enviroments in the world an are so special that in 1997 UNESCO inscribed Mount Kenya a World Heritage Site as ” one of the most impressive landscapes in Eastern Africa with its rugges placier-clad summits, Afro-Alpine moorlands and diverse forests that Illustrate outstanding ecological processes.

Since 1978 , the area is also an inernational Biosphere Reserve. Mt. Kenya, an extinct volcano that last erupted between 2.8 to 3.2 million years ago, was gazetted a National Park in 1949 and a National Reserve in 2000 and is managed by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).

In the 2800 sq km National Park and Reserve are over 800 recorded plant species with 81 species being endemic to Mount Kenya; there is also a wide variety of wildlife such as elephant, buffalo, eland, bushbuck, waterbuck, zebra, hyena, colobus monkey, white throated guegnon and common at higher altituedes, the ubiqutous Mt. Kenya rock hyrax. Animals rarely seen include leopard, bongo, giant forest hog and rhino.

The elevation range is approximatly 2200 meters to 5200 meters and includes several distinct vegetarian zones: Mixed broad-leaf- forest, Gallery Forest, Bamboo, Giant Health and Hagenia, Moorland tussock grasses, Giant Senedcio and Lobelia- and, at the uppermost elevation, rock and ice.

To the Embu, Meru and Kikuyu tribes that dwell around the mountain, Mt. Kenya is the home of their traditional God, Ngai, and the location of their creation mythology, hich elevation on the equator has created a unique ”island environment” that is especially sensitive to human impact.

thus, all visitors have an obligation to protect this fragile ecology. The rules and regulations established by KWS ar clearly posted at each gate and on their website.

How to minimize your impact on the mountain
Most visitors to Mt. Kenya travel on a few, heavily used routes. This makes it all the more important for you to follow these minimum-impact guidlines.

Stay on trails where they exist. This protects the surrounding vegetation and prevents soil erosion.
If you are hiking where no trail exist, spread the impact so that you don’t create new trails.
When walking breaks, chose areas that will not show much human impact such as rock or bare ground. Sitting on vegetation leads to destruction
observe the camping rules only camp on designated places, public campsites.
Most of the huts are privately owned. Mackinder’s Camp (Naro Moru Route), Shipton’s Camp (Sirimon Route) and the Minor’s Hut (Chogoria Route)
Austrian Hut, Top Hut Kami Hut and Two Tarn Campsite

Wast Disposal
Refuse left by careless hikers is not only an eyesore but can also be harmful to all forms of Wildlife.
There is no proper means of waste disposal on the mountain other than packing lotter out. Buried litter breaks downe extremly slowly in this enviroment and is liable to be dug up by the animals.Unsightly and unhealthy garbage pits result. Burning is illegal.
You will be asked to produce your litter at the gate on your return.
If you have extra supplies, give them directly to someone who will use them. Do not leave them out with the litter. Do not feed the animals, as this disrupts their normal existence, increases impact on vegitation surrounding the huts/campsites and could result in the destruction of the animal itself.
Be part of the Mt. Kenya clean up effort. Bring back more then just your own litter.
Litter: Pack it in – pack it out,

With so many individuals concentrated in limited areas on the mountain it is vital to protect water resources from contamination. Plan on purifying all drinking water, either by boiling, filteration or use of purification tablets. Do not use soap directly in water sources. Even the best biodegradeble soaps take several days under ideal conditions to break down. Where possible move at least 10 meters away form water sources before using soap.
Human faecal material is a major source of water contamination on the mountain. Where they exist, use an established toilet (choo).
Ultra-violet radiation form the sun and organisms present in the soil are the best decomposers of human waste. At high altitudes those soil organisms are not very abundant. Therefore. Sunlight provides the best form decomposition.
Select a site away from campsites, trails and at least 50 meters away from water,with lots of sunlight exposore. Leave faeces on the surface of the ground. Scattering and smearing the faeces around will maximise exposure to sunlight. At lower elevations sich as below 3500 meters where soils are rich in decomposing organisms, burying faeces in shallow holes is the most effictive method. Toilett paper and sanitary towels should be packed out with other litter.

Wild animals on Mt. Kenya do not normally come into contact with hikers and because of the dense forest most species are rarely seen. If surprised or provoked particualarly Cape buffalo and elephant, they may attack. Talking frequently clapping or making a hooting sound while hiking below the moorland warns animals you are approaching and they should move away from you. Do not approach the animal or proceed along the trail if it fails to move away. Consider backtracking away from elephant and buffalo in particular. Feeding wild animals, disrupts their natural behaviour and this includes monkeys, hyrax and birds. You may also be attacked if the animal is aggressive, so exercise caution and leave wildlife alone.

The Birds
There are over 130 recorded species of birds. As you walk you may see white-headed wood hoopoes probing the cracks of the gnarled forest trees for insects, or the cinnamon-chested bee-eaters which snap up prey from exposed branches. The forest also hosts two species of francolin, the Jackson’s francolin and the scaly francolin, both of which will scurry into the under growth at your approach Mackinders eagle owl is frequently seen in the upper valleys of the mountain near the peaks, while high above the crags cruise the mighty lammergeyers (espeially around Sendeo and Terere Peaks on the Sirimon Route).

Dress right, eat right, drink right – these guidelines may save your life!
Extremes of heat, cold, wind and sun can adversely affect visitors to Mt.Kenya. Temperatures range from 30 c to – 15 C (minus). Hypothermia or exposure is a life – threatening lowering of the body temperature. It may occur in air temperatures as high as 100 c. (50 F)
Signs/symptoms are clumsiness, stumbling, apathy, lethargy, loss of enthusiasm and thinking abbility, disorientation and unconsciousness. Treatment requires early recognation and aggreeive steps to warm the hypothermic person. Find shelter, remove wet clothing. Create warm and dry enviroment for the victim. Put the victim in a sleping bag with one or two other people stripped to their undercloths. If the casualty is able, drinking warm rich caloric fluids like cocoa will help. The recovering hypothermic person will need rest and should be taken off the mountain.
The combination of strong equatorial Sun and thin air makes sunburn and snowblindness very common. Protect your skin and eyes form the sun. Dehydration predisoses hypothermia and altitude illness. Drink 4 to 6 liters of fluid per day. A diet high in carbohydrates supplemented by other foods will best prepare your body for the challenging alpine environment.

What to war
Be sure you have aproriate gear for the duration of the trip. Garments of wool and synthetic insulated materials are far preferable to cotton or down. When you are hiking with a guide or porters or companions, be sure to keep adequate gear in your rucksack so that you have what you need should you become seperated – map, compass, food, water, first-aid kit, warm and waterproof compass, clothing, a signalling mirror, matches/lighter and a flashlight are essential.

As a rember
Talk to porters, guides and fellow climbers about these guides. Together we can keep Mount Kenya a clean and minimise the impact of our visits.

How to recognise altiude related illness
At high altitudes the amount of available oxygen decreses dramatically. This can result in medical situations that must be of concern to every hiker. These range from acte mountain sickness (AMS), with various degrees of discomfort, t high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), both of which can be fatal. Because cases can progress rapidly from mild to severe, recongnition of symptoms is essential.

AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness)
Signs/symptoms: Headachem nausea, fatigue, malaise, loss of appetite and difficult in sleeping.
Treatment: slow down, stay in camp, drink plenty of fluids and rest while body adjusts to the altitude. If symptoms persist after 48 hours descend.

HAPE (high Altitude Pulmonary Edema)
Signs/Symptoms: Shortness of breath during exercise progressing to shortness of breath at rest, a dry cough deteriorating to a frothy sputum audible gurgling (rales) from the chest are heard, increased heart and breathing rate.
Treatment: Immediatly descehnd and seek medical attention. Descend is the best avilable treatment. HAPE can progress quickly to a point where the victim cannot walk. HAPE does not improve with rest at the same altitude.

HACE (high altitide Cerebal Edema)
Signs/Symptoms: Symptoms of AMS that progress to servere headache, loss of co-ordination, slurred speech, irrigational behaviour, coma and death.
Treatment: Immediate descent, HACE , as with HAPE, can quickly progress to a lethal stage.

Prevention: AMS, HAPE and HACE

Above 10.000 ft, very few visitors avoid altitude sickness completely. Visits are much more enjoyble if you allow two nights either at the higher huts at around 14.000 ft before proceeding higher. On the first day, hiking from the park gates to the road-heads is strongly recommended. Increase fluid intake to 4 to 6 liters per day, avoid extreme physical exertion and eat a light diet high in carbohydrates. Take the symptoms seriously. Rest and acclimatise if AMS is suspected. Immediatly report to the resure ranger station and descent if HAPE or HACE occurs. Some climbers find that certain drugs prevent or reduce AMS/HAPE/HACE. Consult your doctor before going to the Mountain.

Emergency Procedures
In case of an emergency (a servere injury or illness where outside help is needed) contact the KWS offical immediatly. The Ranger Station the head of the Teleki Valley and Austrian Hut are permanently manned as is the Met Station and the Naro Moru, Sirimon and Chogoria Gates. All have Radios. You may be assisted at Mackinder’s Hut in the Teleki Walley and Shiptons Hut in the Mackinders Valley. Write down all the information on the victims condition and location. Mark the Victims position on the map. Be familiar with the rearest source of help while on the mountain.

If you get lost
”it can not happen to me” or ”I don’t need a survival kit”- Nearly fifty people have become lost on Mt. Kenya since 1990. People tent not to think about or anticipate emergencies. Start now. If your gear is being carried by porters (who hike separatly from clients) or you are on a day hike or summit bid, then you must have a day-pack containing at least the following essentials: instand body shelter (warm and water proof), fire making capability, signaling capacity (small mirror), food and drinks, First Aid package, map, compass and torch. it is important to be aware of your intended route. The most common cause of getting lost is when swift moving clauds envelopw and area and hikers lose the trail-often walking further away in an effort to regain the trail. Stay where you are if visibility is poor. If you become lost do not panic, take shelter under a tree, senecio or rock overhang and stay where you are. Help will come, but it is typical to be out overnight. In Sunlight, use a mirror to signal and lay out a brightly coloured article to alert the searching aircraft or hiking rescue party. consider saftely lighting a fire with dry grass, twigs, roots and branches and once burning well, generate smoke by adding small amounts of green grass and endanger yourself. Being on a ridge top will make you difficult to find and could take you several days of hard going to emerge into human settlement. There can be a fee for any rescue the park carries out.

As a reminder
KWS regulations require all visitors to register upon entrance to the mountain and sign out on departure. Hiking alone is prohibited.

Mount Kenya Safari Club
Naro Moru River Lodge
Serena Mountain Lodge

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Meru National Park

Meru refers to both the people and the location.

It is considered the heart of the estern slope for its evergreen lands, hilly slopes and adorable weather, and has plenty of fruits, vegetables, and cereals. Meru town was formerly the home of Elsa, the lioness of George and Joy Adamson movie Born Free.

While in Meru, visit the Meru Museum, which was opened in May 1976, having previously been a district commissioner`s office that was built in 1916. The museum exhibits mainly the culture and rich historical practies of the local people.

The Meru National Park hold The Adamson Falls, the Leopard Rock and great wildlife. It was where George and Joy Adamson released several hand-rared animals, including the son of the famous lioness Elsa (in the book Born Free) and their Cheetah Pippa. The key attractions at the park are the former home of Joy and George Adamson and the Elsa te lioness, views of Mount Kenya and the Tana River and Adamson Falls.

Elsa’s Kopje
Leopard Rock Lodge

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Mathews Range

Kitich Camp

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Maasai Mara National Reserve

Kenya’s Masai Mara was in November 2006 named as the 8th Wonder of the World because of what the experts termed as ‘the uniqueness of the area and the preservation it provides to so many species living in harmony’. It is understandable because this annual migration is the greatest wildlife spectacle on earth.
The Masai Mara National Reserve is 270 km from Nairobi, a five hour drive or 45 minute flight . The National Reserve was the shooting location for the film Out of Africa and remains the location for the British Broadcasting Corporation’s Big Cat Diary wildlife series. Althhough it is a resting place of the big five, the reserve’s major attraction is the great wildebeests and zebras migration from the Serengeti in Tanzania to the Mara that happens between July and September.

Mara in1989

Mara in 2004

Mara in 2010

Mara in 2010

Bateleur Camp
Cheli & Peacock Mara Camp
Cottars 1920’s Camp
Fig Tree Camp
Governors’ Camp
Governors’ Il Moran Camp
Governors’ Private Camp
Keekorok Lodge
Kichwa Tembo
Little Governors’ Camp
Mara Explorer
Mara Intrepids
Mara Safari Club
Mara Serena Lodge
Mara Sarova Camp
Mara Simba Lodge
Mara Sopa Lodge
Siana Spring Intrepids Camp

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Kisumu & Lake Victoria

Kisumu was elevated to city status in december 2001. Major Towns in Nyanza are Kidii, Siaya and Homa Bay. The inhaitants of the province include the Luo, the Kuria, Gusii, and Suba. These communities have very interesting cultures and traditions. The main economic activities in Nyanza are fishing and agricuture.

The most popular items and souveniers to buy are Kisii soapstone carvings and sculptors, curios, straw fishcerman hats and papyrus reed mats. The close proximity to the lake makes fishing popular sport in this area, and also places around Lake Victoria. There is a good golf club by the lake off the Kisumu/Busia Road.

You can enjoy BENGA, which in the Luo language means ”something beatuful”. It is a hight. energy music with a pulsing beat, great bass lines and luscious unterkoching guitar riffs.

Lake Victoria is about the size of Ireland covering an expansive 67850 sq km and forming a natural boundary between the three east african countries of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Kenya’s share is the smallest at about 3785 sq km. The lake is also the source of the River Nile and boasts of sandy beaches and many small Islands.

Hippo Point, just outside Kisumu is an exceptional vantage point for viewing hippo, and is known for its beautiful sunsets. Also near Kisumu town you can spot plenty of large water birds that nests and breed between March and July.

Kisumu Museum, opend in 1980, is off the road from Nairobi. The museums exhibits include a fresh water aquarium, an outdoor snake park, tortoise pens that house the 300 year old tortoise from the seychelles in 1930, and the culture of the local people. On e of the main attractions is the traditional Luo homestead complete with livestock pens and a granary. The Kisumu Impala Sanctuary is an animal orphanage where the rare sitatunga antelope is found.
Kibuye Market is one of the busiest and largest markets of Kenya. Here you can see, breathe and expierence the day-to-day life of the people of Nyanza.

Hotel Imperial
Mfangano Island Camp
Rusinga Island Lodge

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Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park is located 160 km northwest of Nairobi and only 4 km from Nakuru town. It is home to millions of fuchsia pink flaminos, the fish eating pelicand as well as over 450 other species of Birds. It is also a good location for game viewing of the black rhino, the lion, the waterbuck, buffalo and anteloes. It is one of the bestplaces to see the Leopard as well as the endagerd Rothschidl Giraffe. The national Park was gazetted to protect the flamingos and also provide sanctuary to endangered species like the Rhino.

Lake Nakuru Lodge inside the Park nice Pool

Sarova Lion Hill Lodge part of Sarova Lodges good Standard at its price.

Flamingo Hills Tended Camp near the main gate.

WCK Guesthouse this small cottage is inside the Lake Nakuru Park. It belongs to the Wildlife Clubs of Kenya. Good situated, but self Catering….

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Lake Naivasha

Great Rift Valley Lodge
Lake Naivasha Country Club
Lake Naivasha Lodge
Loldia House
Naivasha Simba Lodge
Olerai House

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