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Mount Kilimanjaro Rongai (Loitokitok) Route 6 Days Moshi, Tanzania

Also known as the Nalemoru Route, this route, like Marangu Route is nicknamed ‘Coca Cola Route’ local wildlife here are greater than any other routes. Troops of colobus monkeys, elephant droppings, buffalo dung etc.

1st Day

Nalemuru Gate (1950 m) – First Camp  – Sekimba  camp (2700 m)

Hiking Time: 3 – 4 hours

Distance: 8 km

Habitat: Cypress plantations and heather

Having registered with the park authorities, climb start through pine forest where Colobus monkeys can be viewed. Overnight will be at Sekimba camp 2700 m.

2nd Day

Sekimba Camp – Kikelelwa Camp (3600 m)

Hiking Time: 5 – 6 hours

Distance: 6 km

Habitat: Heather and Erica

Lunch will be taken at second cave 3300m. The path will take abrupt South – easterly turn directly towards the jagged peak Mawenzi. Since the second cave you have walked about 3 km, but have gained just 150 m altitude. Overnight at Kikelelwa Camp (3600 m).

3rd Day

Kikelwa Camp – Mawenzu Tarn Hut Camp (4330 m)

Hiking Time: 3 – 4 Hours

Distance: 5 km

The path heads south from Kikelelwa camp and climbs steadly on a ridge through an area of scenecio. The path climbs fairly steeply and you ascend towards Mawenzi rapidly. Hot lunch will be served here.                                                                                                                Dinner and Overnight at the Mawenzi Tarn Hut Camp (4330 m)

4th Day

Mawenzi Tarn Hut Camp  – Kibo Hut Camp (4703 m)

Hiking Time: 5 – 6 Hours

Distance: 8 km

Habitat: Desert

You kike to Kibo Hut Campsite 4703 m. This is a simple day that culminates with you being in a position to tackle the final summit bid. Little additional height is gained as your forge across the lunarlike saddle landscape between Mawenzi Peak and Kibo Peak, allowing you to prepare physically and psychologically for the challenge ahead. The rest of the day is spent resting and preparation for the ascent starting at midnight.

5th Day

Kibo Hut Campsite – Horombo Hut Campsite (3720 m) (Summit Day)

Hiking Time:  11 – 15 hours

Distance: 3.5 Km

After a short night and hot drink, the final ascend starts at about mid-night. The path heads through gradually steeper getting sreed to the Gilman’s point (5685 m) where you can watch the sunrise and the magnificent ice fields. After a short break, you now proceed around the crater rim to the Uhuru Peak (5895 m) reaching there at about 08.00 am. After your summit photo, you then descent to Kibo Hut Campsite for lunch before dropping to Horombo Hut Campsite (3720 m) where the night will be spent.

6th Day

Horombo Huts Campsite – Marangu Gate (1800 m)

Hiking Time: 6 hours

habitat: Forest

An easy descend to Marangu Gate (1800 m) via Mandara Huts 2700 m where you will take your lunch, transfer to Moshi

Equipement needed which you can hire if you don’t have:

– Sleeping Bag

– Mountain Poles

– Warm Gloves

– Gaiters

– Balaclava

– Water Bottles

– Head Torch

– Rain Mac / Poncho

– Warm Jacket

– Warm Trousers

– Sunglasses

– Day Pack

– Mountain Boots

– Scarves

– Pair of Socks

Do not forget to Tip Guides, Cooks and Porters.

Mount Kilimanjaro Machame Route 6 Days Moshi, Tanzania

This is proberly the most beautiful route up Kilimanjaro. Accomodation on the Marangu route is in huts, the Machame route offers strictly tents only. This makes Machame (also referred to as the ”Whisky Route”) better suited to the slightly more adventurous hiker, however rewarding him/her a scenic splendor such as not seen on the Marangu route. There is an added benefit to this, as you are afforded the most valuable commodity on the mountain – acclimatization. The 700 m for an overnight at Barranco Camp (3950 m). This is the secret to successful acclimatization recommended.

1st Day

Machame Gate (1800 m) – Machame Camp (3000 m)

Hiking Time: 7 hours

Distance:  10 Km

Habitat: Montane Forest

The drive from Moshei to the Mount Kilimanjaro National Park Gate takes about 50 minutes. The journey passes through the village of Machame, which is located on the lower slope or the mountain. Upon reaching the Park Gatem climbers are requested to make their final preperations for the climb. Porters will be seen arranging their packs containing food, water and other equipment. Make sure that you have all your day pack items with you as the porters ravel very quickly. The guides will be pleased to assist with any additional information. We now leave the Park Gate and walk through the main forest on a winding trail to the first camp, which is located at an altitude of 3840 m. Lower down, the trail can be muddy and slippery. Gaiters and trekking poles are good idea here. You continue a short distance until you reach the Machame Hut, where camps are put up for rest and enjoy dinner and camp overnight.

2nd Day

Machame Camp (3000 m) – Shira Camp (3840 m)

Hiking Time: 6 hours

Distance:  7 km

Habitat: Moorland

After Breakfast, you leave the glades of the rain forest and continue on an ascending path, crossing the little valley walking along a steep rocky ridge, covered with heather, until the ridge ends. The route now turns west onto a river gorge at 3658 m. Time for rest, dinner and  overnight at the Shira Campsite.

3rd Day

Shira Campsite (3840 m) – Lava Tower (4600 m) Barranco Camp (3950 m)

Hiking Time:  7 hours

Distance:  10 km

Habitat: Semi desert

From the Shira Plateau, you continue to the east, passing the junction towards the peak of Kibo. As you continuem the direction changes to the South East towards the Lava Tower, called the ”Shark’s Tooth”. You now continue downwards the Barranco Camp at an altitude of 3950 m. Here, you rest enjoy dinner and camp overnight.

Althrough you end the day at the same elevation, as when you started, this day is very important for acclimatization and will help your body prepare for summit day.

4th Day

Barranco Camp (3860 m) – Barafu Camp (4600 m)

Hiking Time: 6 hours

Distance: 8 km

Habitat: Alpine Desert

After Breakfast, you leave Barranco and continue on a steep ridge passing the Barranco Wall, through the Kanrang Valley (4200 m),  and the junction that connects with the Mweka Trail. You continue to the Barafu Hut, which is located at an altitude of 4600 m. You have completed the Southern Circuit, which offers views for the summit from many different angles. Here you can rest, enjoy dinner and prepare for the summit night.

5th Day

Barafu Camp (4600 m) – Uhuru Peak (5895 m) – Mweka Camp (3100 m)

Hiking Time: 8 hrs to reach Uhuru Peak

Habitat: Stone scream and ice capped summit

Ealy morning, you continue towards the summit of Uhuru Peak at 5895 meters. It can be bitterly cold at night at these elevations, but it will be quite warm by the end of the hiking day. You will want clothing for both extrems with you. At Uhuru Peak, you have reached the highest point of Mount Kilimanjaro and the continent of Africa. Faster hikers will see the sunrise from the summit. You now make your descent continuing straight down to the Mweka Hut campsite at 3100 m. This part of the descent takes about 5 hours. You will want gaiters and trekking poles for the loose gravel going down. Later in the evening, you enjoy your last dinner on the mountain and well earned sleep.

6ed Day

Mweka Camp (3100 m) – Mweka Gate (1500 m)

Hiking Time: about 3 Hours

Habitat: Forest

After Breakfast, you continue the descent down to the Mweka Park Gate. At lower elevations, it can be wet and muddy. Gaiters  and trekking poles will help. A vehicle will meet you at Mweka village and drive you back to the Hotel in Moshi.

Equipment needed for the Climb:

– Sleeping Bag

– Mountain Poles

– Warm Gloves

– Gaiters

– Balaclava

– Water Bottles

– Head Torch

– Rain Mac / Poncho

– Warm Jacket

– Warm Trousers

– Sunglasses

– Day Pack

– Mountain Boots

– Scarves

– Pairs of Socks

Don’t forget to tip your guides, cooks and Porters.

Mount Kilimanjaro Marangu Route 6 Days Moshi, Tanzania

This is the most popular and easiest way to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The trail has huts along ist route with all the basic necessities. No technical skills are required for this six days trek. This six days trek, includes acclimatization with an extra day at Horombo.

1st Day

Marangu Gate (1850 ) – Mandera Huts 2700 m

Hikiung Time: 3-4 Hours

Distance: 7 km

Habitat: Forest

From the Marangu Gate, you ascend a cleard ridge trail to Mandera Huts. The path to Mandera Huts, the first overnight stop, passes through rain forest where you can see vervet monkeys birds like the turraco, trees like Macarnaga Kilimandscharica, flowers like yellow impatiens kilimanjari, violet impatiens pseudoviola and the sweet-scented white Begonia meyeri-johannis.

2nd Day

Mandera Huts – Horomobo Huts 3720 m

Hiking Time: 5-6 Hours

Distance: 11 km

Habitat: Moorland

From the Mandera Huts, the trail passes through a short stretch of forests and skirts teh base of Maundi Crater, crosses a meadow and a wooded stream, then emerges into grassland. Is is well worth the short detour to scramble up to the rim of Maundi Crater for a superb view of the mountain and its surroundings. The trail descend numerous moorland, ravies before ending at Horombo Huts, which is set in a rocky valley with a fine stand of giant groundsels (Senecio  kilimanjari) and phallic lobelias deckenii. Leaving behind the forest and following the ascending path through alpine meadows on the slopes of Mawenzi, Horombo Huts are reached.

3rd Day

Horombo Huts 3720 m

Acclimatization day with all meals.

After Breakfast, the guide will take you to Zebra Rock (4100 m) or Saddle Point (4200 m) and back to Horombo Huts.

4th Day

Horombo Huts – Kibo Hut (4700 m)

Hiking Time:  5-6 Hours

Distance:  11 km

Habitat: Alpine Desert

From Horombo Hut there are two trails to the Saddle. The right fork is very stoney and eroded and is the most direct route to the Saddle and Mawenzi. From the Saddle (about 2 Hours from Horombo), there are trails to Mawenzi Huts (1 Hour) or Mawenzi Tarn Huts (2 Hours) and across the length of the Saddle to Kibo Hut (3 Hours). The left fork from Horombo Hut is an easier trail and emerges on the Saddle much closer to Kibo and about 1 km from Kibo Hut. The landscape now becomes rockier and rugged until the Saddle is reached. Kibo Hut is the overnight stay.

5th Day

Kibo Hut – Summit Uhuru Peak 5895 m – Horombo Huts

Hiking Time: 10 – 12 Hours

Habitat: Ice capped Summit

The trail to the summit lies directly behind Kibo Hut, to the west. It is nomal to start this day’s climb at midnight. (The reason for this is to see the sun rise over Mawenzi from the top of Kibo, the oose stone scree is frozen – making it easier to climb, and you can get back in good time). The first part is an uneven trail, which leads to the Hans Meyer Cave, a good rest point. After that, the trail makes more regular switch backs most of the way to the top, with a last scramble over the rocks to Johannes Notch and Gillman’s Point. From there, the trail continues past Stella Point to Uhuru Peak. At the top there are stunning views of the ice walls offset by rugged rocks. After a fast descent to Kibo Hut for a meal and rest, continue to descend to Horombo.

6th Day

Horombo Huts – Marangu Gate (185 m)

Hiking time: 5 hours

Habitat: Forest

An easy descehnd to Marangu Gate, then transfer to Moshi.

Equipment needed which you can hire (at extra cost) if you don’t have:

– Sleeping Bag

– Mountain Poles

– warm Gloves

– Gaiters

– Balaclava

– Water Bottles

–  Head Torch

– Rain Mac / Poncho

– Warm Jacket

– Warm Trousers

– Sunglasses

– Day Pack

– Mountain Boots

– Scarves

– Pairs of Socks

Do not forget Tips/Gratities for the Guides, Cooks and Porters

Mount Kenya The Land of Contrasts Trek seven Days, Kenya

The Timau Track, the main acess route on the north side of the mountain lies in a major rain shadow. Because of this there is very little forest on this side of the mountain. However, since you are inside a low rainfall zone it generally makes for a drier safari and a more pleasant trek. The slope is gentle and because the peaks on Mt. Kenya line up east to west the views from north give you the impression you are trekking into a whole mountain range.

1st Day

Morning spent organizing and sorting equipment for your trek to Pt. Lenana (16355 ft) the third highest peak of Mt. Kenya. Lunch at the lodge. In the afternoon you will be transported to the Timau roadhead where you will begin your trek up Mt. Kenya from the north. Overnight in high altitude mountains tents – Timau roadhead.

2nd Day

Hiking across beautiful northern moorland of Mt. Kenya with its unique flora and possibly seeing some of the wildlife which wander up these northern slopes – Zebra, Eland, ect. Camp near the Western Marania River

3rd Day

Continue your trek over rolling moorland country to camp at the headwaters of the Kathita East drainage.

4th Day

Hike up to the spectacular Hall Tarns where the beautiful rock formation known as the Temple stands over Lake Michaelson 1000 vertical feet below.

5th Day

Penetrate the defences of the Temple and descent to Lake Michaelson. Truly a trekkers paradise.

6th Day

An early start to ensure a successful summit bid for our main objective Pt. Lenana (16355 ft). Descend to MacKinders Camp on the Naro Moru Track

7th Day

Descend the mountaun via the Naro Moru Route completing a fine circuit of Mt. Kenya, to the Naro Moru River Lodge for a well earned rest.

Mount Kenya Timau Trek seven Days, Kenya

The Timau Track, the main acess route on the north side of the mountain lies in a major rain shadow. Because of this there is very little forest on this side of the mountain. However, since you are inside a low rainfall zone it generally makes for a drier safari and a more pleasant trek. The slope is gentle and because the peaks on Mt. Kenya line up east to west the views from north give you the impression you are trekking into a whole mountain range.

1st Day

Morning spent organizing and sorting equipment for your trek to Pt. Lenana (16355 ft) the third highest peak of Mt. Kenya. Lunch at the lodge. In the afternoon you will be transported to the Timau roadhead where you will begin your trek up Mt. Kenya from the north. Overnight in high altitude mountains tents – Timau roadhead.

2nd Day

Hiking across beautiful northern moorland of Mt. Kenya with its unique flora and possibly seeing some of the wildlife which wander up these northern slopes – Zebra, Eland, ect. Camp near the Western Marania River

3rd Day

Continue your trek over rolling moorland country to camp at the headwaters of the Kathita East drainage.

4th Day

Hike up to the spectacular Hall Tarns where the beautiful rock formation known as the Temple stands over Lake Michaelson 1000 vertical feet below.

5th Day

Penetrate the defences of the Temple and descent to Lake Michaelson. Truly a trekkers paradise.

6th Day

An early start to ensure a successful summit bid for our main objective Pt. Lenana (16355 ft). Descend to MacKinders Camp on the Naro Moru Track

7th Day

Descend the mountaun via the Naro Moru Route completing a fine circuit of Mt. Kenya, to the Naro Moru River Lodge for a well earned rest.

Mount Kenya Sirimon Trek five Days, Kenya

The Sirimon Track, one of the finest approaches to the peak area. The Sirimon Track offers some of the best views of the main peaks, with a gradual climb which can be done leisurly. We traverse the mountain by ascending the Sirimon Track and descending the Naro Moru Track.

1st Day

Morning spent sorting and organizing personal equipment for the mountain trek. Lunch at the lodge. In the afternoon you are driven to the Sirimon Gate and then to roadhead at 11000 ft. An easy walk in the afternoon to help acclimatization.

Overnight Judmaier Camp (11000ft) in hight altitude mountain tents

2nd Day

Ascend the Sirimon Track to Liki North Valley and Camp overnight in this beautiful little valley below the subsidiary peaks of Tereri and Sendeyo, two ancient parasitic vents of the main peaks (13000ft)

3rd Day

Climb out of the North Valley and into the MacKinder Valley, one of the broadest valleys on the mountain, with many giant groundsels. Camp at the head of the MacKinder Valley, just below the main peaks Batian and Nelion (14000ft)

4th Day

Alpine ascent of the third highest peak, Pt. Lenana (16355 ft). On route up north vache little used by tourists. Four hours of stiff walking to the summit. Then descent to Taleki Valley on the opposite side of the main peaks, to MacKinders Camp for a good night’s rest (13900 ft)

5th Day

Descend to the Met. Station (road-head)    on the Naro Moru Track and then back to the lodge.

Mount Kenya Circumnavigation five day foot Safari, Kenya

For those mountaineers whi have an adventurous spirit and want to climb Mt. Kenya (Pt. Lenana, 16.355 ft) in a leisurly fashion from a non Tourist route. This climb  is also recommended because the climber has a better chance of acclimatizing and getting fit for the climb on Pt. Lenana.

1st Day

Morning spent sorting and organizing personal equipment for the mountain trek. Lunch at the lodge. In the afternoon drive to the roadhead of the Naro Moro track to the Met. Station where we spend the night in very comfortable log cabins. A good day for acclimatization, for we will be sleeping at an altidude of 10,000 ft. A light hike is taken in the afternoon to help acclimatization.

2nd Day

Hike up to the Teleki Valley to our MacKinders Camp where is a spectacular view of the main peaks. Walking timne approximately 4-6 hours. Overnight Teleki Valley (14.000 ft)

3rd Day

After an early breakfast, begin the circumnavigation of the main peaks by heading north. One traverse takes us below the south and west faces on our approach to Two Tarn Hut, then across Western Terninal and into Hausberg Valley and finally ofer Hausberg Col and into Mackinder Valley. Walking time approximatly five hours. The highest point  reached during this day is 15,000 ft. Our Camp in MacKinder Valley is at an altidude of 14.200 ft. Night will be spent in high altitude tents.

4th Day

An alpine ascent of the third highest peak, Pt. Lenana up the north face which is little used by tourists, The top should be reached after about four hours of stiff wanking. Altitude of Pt. Lenana is 16.355 ft. We then descend into Taleki Valley and spend the night at our orginal camp, completing a scenic traverse of the mountain.

5th Day

Descend the mountain and return to the Naro Moro River Lodge.

Mount Kenya four day foot Safari, Kenya

This itinery is simelar to the ‘Three – day foot safari to Mt. Kenya”, but it has thre distinct advantages:

1. An extra day could be spent acclimatizing in Teleki Valley, walking through some of the beautiful country in the area. You would then climb Pt. Lenana on the 4th day and then descend to the lodge.

2. You can climb Pt. Lenana and return to MacKinders Camp on day three and then make a leisurly descent to the lodge on day four.

3. For the climber who is feeling well and if the weather is good, after reching Pt. Lenana. It is possible to circumnavigate the main peaks. This is a full day and the walking is a bit strenuous, but very well worth it.

This safari is definitly for thowse who ‘want to keep their options open”.

Below the three day Itinery:

Desingend for those who have a minimum amount of time and who want to reach the third highest peak of Mt. Kenya, Pt. Lenana. This challenging, non-technical ascent can be made by any normal , healthy person.

1st Day

Morning spent sorting and organizing personal equipment for the Mountain trek. Lunch at the lodge. In the afternoon drive to the roadheas of the Naro Moru track, to the Met. Station (Meteorological Station),where we spent the night in comfortable log cabins. A giid day for acclimazation, for we will be sleeping at an altitude of 10.000 ft. A short hike is taken in the afternoon to help acclimatization.

2nd Day

Hike up into the Teleki Valley to our MacKinders Camp where there is a spectacular view of the main peaks. Walking time aproximatly 4-6 hours. Overnight Teleki Valley (14.000 ft)

3rd Day

A pre-dawn start is made to ensure a successful summit bid and in time to clear view of the majestic cummit scenery. After climbing Pt. Lenana we return to our base camp and then proceed down the mountaun to the lodge.

Mount Kenya three day foot Safari, Kenya

Desingend for those who have a minimum amount of time and who want to reach the third highest peak of Mt. Kenya, Pt. Lenana. This challenging, non-technical ascent can be made by any normal , healthy person.

1st Day

Morning spent sorting and organizing personal equipment for the Mountain trek. Lunch at the lodge. In the afternoon drive to the roadheas of the Naro Moru track, to the Met. Station (Meteorological Station),where we spent the night in comfortable log cabins. A giid day for acclimazation, for we will be sleeping at an altitude of 10.000 ft. A short hike is taken in the afternoon to help acclimatization.

2nd Day

Hike up into the Teleki Valley to our MacKinders Camp where there is a spectacular view of the main peaks. Walking time aproximatly 4-6 hours. Overnight Teleki Valley (14.000 ft)

3rd Day

A pre-dawn start is made to ensure a successful summit bid and in time to clear view of the majestic cummit scenery. After climbing Pt. Lenana we return to our base camp and then proceed down the mountaun to the lodge.

Ol Donyo El Satima Day Trek Aberdare, Kenya

Ol Donyo El Satima in Masai, means ”The mountains of the Satima Tribe”. The Satima morans frequented this area for ceremonial purporses. Ol Donyo El Satima’ is the highest point on the Aberdares and is situated at the northern most end of this folded and uplifted range.

The Aberdares lie along the edge of the Rift Valley and on clear days magnificent views of the great Rift Valley are to be seen to the west and views of Mt. Kenya to the east.

Start from the lodge at 08.00 am and drive to the Aberdares passing through intersting savannah country, farmland on the lower slopes, and finaly into the lush Aberdare National Park.

At about 09.30 am we will arrive at roadhead (11,000 ft) where our trek begins. See afro-alpine moorland and fantastic vegetation. Picnic on the top or El Satima after about three to four hour walk. Return to the vehicles and drive back to the lodge.

The Aberdare range is a high rainfall area, subject to sudden storms and the roads are foten closed at short notice.